Saturday, 8 November 2014

Civil Rights Movement - do we need one? Would love to know your thoughts !
Do you feel we need a Civil Rights Movement and if so, would you get involved and how?
If you believe we need a movement of this type, what would it look like to you? How would you get the information about this movement out to the world other than the usual "emails to MP's and MLA's"?

In my experience, people don't believe rallies work any more - am I wrong? If people don't like them what would we replace a rally with that you feel would work? There obviously has to be a distinct focus and purpose and we need to know our target group. One idea that Thora feels could work would be a public gathering (not unlike a rally) that would be geared to all people, all ages, all genders, etc with music that appeals and draws people of all ages, genders etc . The focus would be decided upon based on the answers you give us to the question: What do you feel is the most important issue today regarding persons with disabilities and seniors? We would appreciate your honest feedback and answers to the above. This would be most helpful in our "Sisters in Action" work. Thank you all. I truly believe you will all answer this - won't you ? Cathy and Thora (Sisters in Action)

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

New Service Provider

I am delighted to have a new service provider since January 27, 2012 named BACI (Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion) In the beginning it was a bit of a struggle but over time things have improved greatly including my level of trust.


I discovered in 2012 that I had another sister - Thora Rogers.  We met Thora and her husband Mike on March 17, 2012.  We now have annual family trips To Victoria and annual Bardal reunions through sister Thora – like a cruise to Alaska, Whistler etc.  Thora and I have been working on various advocacy projects together.  She says I have affected her in many ways (all good) like her music writing, performing, feeling of being more grounded.


After a year of waiting, hoping, and many people helping, we finally have a new van thanks to Daniel Yanko.

No Disability Act in Canada !

My American sister is appalled at the fact that Canada has no disability act yet and believes that I and our sister Thora will be the ones to get Canada a disability act.

Freedom of Information

Just got the letter stating that our request for information (FOI) is ready for pickup and we have hope that it will shed some information about my funding and Community Living B.C.
This is mostly about money because the money was taken away from me without asking and that means disrespect to me by the Ministry..

As I am one of the 80, I do not want any of us to have the fear of having equipment denied or semi-denied or taken away from us ever again. My manual and electric chair were difficult to get. There is always that fear that something will be taken away.  The silver lining is that there are so many new people like Alisdair and RICHARD on our side (SEE BRAINSTORMING  BELOW)- this will have a positive role on the negative past of the 80).

It was discovered that the information we needed was not in the first 1000 pages out of CLBC on the FOI.  We have re-submitted directly to the Ministry this time rather than CLBC in the hopes that the information we want is in there.  So, we wait............(with positive thoughts)